
El funeral de Bergman 

A performance by Angélica Liddell 
in Spanish, French, Swedish, surtitled French

Estimated length: 2 hrs.

26 September – 6 October

Odéon 6e

Out of subscription: sales open on Tuesday 18 June 

By subscribing: all shows are open for sale now!

With David Abad, Ahimsa, Yuri Ananiev, Nicolas Chevallier, Guillaume Costanza, Electra Hallman, Elin Klinga, Angélica Liddell, Borja López, Sindo Puche, Daniel Richard, Joel Valois and the participation of Erika Hagberg

For fifteen years now, Angélica Liddell has shocked European theatres with her radical approach and the power of her polysemic images. The second part of a cycle devoted to dying, Dämon El funeral de Bergman turns its attention towards a figure that has always been at her side, Ingmar Bergman. The Swedish filmmaker, who passed away in 2007, carefully arranged for his death, choosing the coffin, clothes and music. Everything was put down in writing. Before passing away, he also established the list of his internal “demons”: fear, anger, laziness… Starting from there, Angélica Liddell invites us to confront our own future and delivers on stage the cathartic strength to help us ward off the dread one sees when confronting the inconceivable.

Out of subscription: sales open on Tuesday 18 June 

By subscribing: all shows are open for sale now!