
by Thomas Bernhard
adaptation and conception Claude Duparfait and Célie Pauthe
directed by Célie Pauthe

estimated duration 1h30

24 May – 15 June 2024

Berthier 17e

Out of subscription: sales open on Tuesday 26 March

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with Claude Duparfait
and on screen Mina Kavani

Célie Pauthe and Claude Duparfait have long shared a passion for Thomas Bernhard’s work. Together, they staged Des arbres à abattre (Cutting Timber: An Irritation), the famous novel by the great Austrian writer. This time, it is a brief and gripping short story, Oui (Yes), that prompted their theatrical craving. Two beings, almost crushed with loneliness, meet in a lost village in Upper Austria: a man, the narrator, shut in his obsessions and his misanthropy; a woman, "the Persian," the foreign partner of a rich businessman who has come there to build a concrete house — that looks just like a prison. What happens between them as they walk in the forest of larches? Can they cure and save each other? Bernhard dissects the hopes and failures of their relationship. From this raw material, Célie Pauthe and Claude Duparfait create a show about the longing for the "vital being," abandonment, and the risk of cruelty that any intimate relationship entails.

Out of subscription: sales open on Tuesday 26 March

By subscribing: all shows are open for sale now!