Pelléas et Mélisande
[Pelleas and Melisande]
by Maurice Maeterlinck
directed by Julie Duclos
duration 1h50
Cast :
Vincent Dissez,
Philippe Duclos,
Stéphanie Marc,
Alix Riemer,
Matthieu Sampeur,
Émilien Tessier
children (alterning) :
Clément Baudouin,
Sacha Huyghe,
Eliott Le Mouël
Melisande appears one day in the land of Allemond, unexpectedly. Why marry Golaud ? Why have this fatal love for Pelleas ? Tragedy is here a fundamental tone for existence. One can neither see content nor boundaries of things, words seem both transparent and opaque…
Before being an opera piece, Pelleas et Melissande is a play that went down in history, marking the launch of the symbolist movement on stage. In order to recreate the evocative magic of Maeterlinck, Julie Duclos combines the ressources of the theatre and cinema, opens up ranges on distant glimpses, building rooms over crypts as dark as the forests of the unconscious.