La réponse des Hommes

[ The Human Response ]

text and direction Tiphaine Raffier

duration 3h20 (with intermission)

9 – 20 January 2024

Berthier 17e

with Sharif Andoura, Salvatore Cataldo, Éric Challier, Teddy Chawa, François Godart, Camille Lucas, Édith Mérieau, Judith Morisseau, Catherine Morlot, Adrien Rouyard
and the musicians of the ensemble Miroirs Étendus Guy-Loup Boisneau, Émile Carlioz, Clotilde Lacroix, Flore Merlin

How to do good when reality is so complex and contradictory? With La réponse des Hommes, programmed yet again this season after last season’s success, Tiphaine Raffier questions the "archaic or contemporary moral dilemmas and worries that haunt us." The show confronts the injunctions of the Christian Works of Mercy (shelter foreigners, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked…) with the reality of our contemporary world. Neither moralistic nor proselytizing, Tiphaine Raffier calls on the audience’s empathy to better highlight its contradictions, and unveil the proximity, even familiarity, of evil. A woman doing humanitarian work is incapable of taking care of her own child; a sick young man wishes, in spite of himself, for the death of the donor who will save his life; a family man apparently beyond reproach chooses to burn his secret rather than confess it… The nine stories imagined by Tiphaine Raffier, subtly and simply led by a troupe of ten actors, place us in front of impossible choices, and highlight the inextricability of fairness and unfairness.