The Reunification of the Two Koreas

December 10th 2014-February 1st 2015

Text and direction by Joël Pommerat

Du 10 au 31 décembre 2014 2015

Berthier 17e
with Saadia Bentaïeb, Agnès Berthon, Yannick Choirat, Philippe Frécon, Ruth Olaizola, Marie Piemontese, Anne Rotger, David Sighicelli, Maxime Tshibangu

In a theater with a two sided stage, like in a fashion show, THE REUNIFICATION OF THE TWO KOREAS offers twenty contemporary variations, from the heartbreaking to the hilarious (with Joel Pommerat, the two are not mutually exclusive, any more than their simplicity gets in the way of their power of evocation), on the age-old theme of…love.  It’s shortcomings, its mysteries, its vital misunderstandings. But also its tentative explorations, its illusions and its violence.  Pommerat’s most recent creation was given a triumphant reception by its fantastically diverse audience.  Pommerat, one of the Odeon’s most prestigious in-house, associate creators, is at the heart of a group of faithful collaborators who have been accompanying him in the Louis Brouillard Company for years, building with him, a theatrical work, whose coherency and vital importance are recognized by everyone.  When it first ran, the play was performed to a full house every night. It quickly became obvious that it should return for a second season.